Unity 3D Sample game...in err... 3D!

Yeah, yeah, I know I'm a little late to the game with this one...but....now most of the bugs have been ironed out, it's a good time to check it out!


I was using an "old" version of Unity, I think it was 2018.2.xxx and when I added the 3D-Game-Kit asset, I received lots of errors about namespaces missing etc... after a bit of searching, I saw a load of workarounds and a variety of posts and I was about to give up and switch to using Unreal Engine, then I thought...I'll give it one last go....

That's when I decided to upgrade to Unity 2018.3.3f1 and then added the 3D-Game-Kit as an asset - and voila! it just worked.  I worked very well in fact and I'm using a 2013 Macbook Pro.

Check it out and walk through the tutorial, I was very surprised at just how simple they've made this:


admittedly it is hiding a lot of the complexity, but giving you the ability to get up and running making your own scene; making object detection work; getting things moving and having "AI-esque" enemies that chase you - all without writing any code, is pretty awesome.

Even I made a new scene/level in about an hour that is pretty complex and functional, all with zer0 code.  I'm going to push it a bit further and go to the end with the tutorial and then I'll open up the box and see how the C# code is working under the hood, but for now, as there's no real need to, I'll just carry on.

If you've ever wanted to have a tinker around - I highly recommend giving this a go!  I remember the days going for a job interview for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (Playstation 1) back in 1997 I think it was and the job was to write C libraries for special effects, like little explosions and status gauge bars etc... how the world has changed!

What are you still doing reading this? Go download Unity personal edition and get the 3D-Game-Kit asset and get making something fun.


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