
Showing posts with the label lehto files

UGV - Lidar direct code [success, eventually!]

Okay, whilst mental hopping between a few things, I decided to "go back to basics" and remove the Docker and ROS2 aspects out of the equation. Why couldn't I go back to the "bare metal" on the Raspberry Pi 5? and just use Python (yes, I know, I know) to read and write to the /dev/ ports. To save the UGV driving off the foot stool, I propped it up on some old books that were propped against a wall.  This free's the wheels up so they can move without driving off the top! As it's a SUNDAY, I'm having a relaxed day, as you can tell! I found quite a few lines of code on the good old inter-webs & of course, it all works "perfectly fine" for everyone else, of course it does. sigh. It's just me, then is it?  I did wonder about this & I tried to find real videos / photo's / website that show the LiDAR actually working with the UGV, y'know what, yep - couldn't find anything.  Hmmm.... I started to scratch my beard at this poin...