Tiny Glade - when is a game not a game?
If you want to unwind, you don't want to play a game, but you want to use technology - you don't want a boring FPS, you don't want to run around an open world "crafting" things. You like the idea of being arty. You like Warhammer style D&D table top diorama style buildings etc.. but you don't have the time & resources to dedicate 10000 hours to making things like that. Well, fret no more! This is a "game" with a difference: Tiny Glade: https://pouncelight.games/tiny-glade/ Grab it on STEAM: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2198150/Tiny_Glade/ This YouTube video is a great walkthrough of how how pleasant and pleasing it is to use: End result, no killing, no shooting, just nice day / night / sunrise/set aesthetics, pleasant background music, sheep that go "baa!" and the freedom to be creative. All the therapy you need in one place! In fact, you can just do what I did - watch someone else building stuff - true sloth mode :-D Ser...