Installing Worklight Server CE and deploying the SWAMI app - Page 4

3) Install Worklight Server (using the MySQL installed previously)

To perform this installation you first need to have access to the IBM passport advantage service, this will allow you to download the software required.
In essence you need the IBM Installation Manager and the IBM Worklight CE Server image.
Extract the Worklight CE Server image files from the .zip file like so:

Once you've installed the IBM Installation Manager, you need to start it, select 'File', 'Preferences' and add a new Repository that points to the location of where you extracted the .zip file:

Then, when you return to the main screen, press the 'Install' icon.

You will then see 'IBM Worklight Server', 'Version 6.2.0' listed, check the checkbox, make a note of the installation Path (for future reference) and press the 'Next>', 'Next>', 'Next>' buttons until it's all installed.

(During one of the steps, you'll be asked for the Database details, select 'MySQL', you'll also be asked to provide the location of the 'Connect J' .jar file that you downloaded earlier, it's now time to paste that into the input box - it won't let you continue until you do this)

This is the time where that offline PDF comes into play.  Skip down to Chapter 7, Page 66:

As we did this earlier in Step 1 (created the WLP server named simpleServer), we can now read about it on Page 67/68 of the PDF [doesn't it bug you the way the PDF has Page numbers and Adobe Reader has different page numbers?  In which case it's Page 76...]

After the installation, you will now be able to start the WLP server by typing:

>server start simpleServer

When this has finished starting up, Open a web browser and navigate to:

(In the server.xml file, if you scroll down you can see that there are 2 users that are allowed to login to the appcenterconsole - for now, we'll just use demo/demo)

The App Center Console is the place to load the finished .apk files that you wish to have displayed in the 'App Store' that the client devices can access.

As defined on Page 70, we should now install the Worklight Server administration components: Admin services and the Worklight Console.  We need the Worklight Console to be able to upload the actual .wlapp and .adapter files.

As I'm running this on a Windows laptop, when the Worklight product was installed it created a Start Menu group, 'IBM Worklight Server', underneath that you will see 'Server Configuration Tool'.  We need to click and start that application.

Select 'Create a Worklight Server Configuration'
We'll name the configuration 'Hello Worklight Server' and leave the default entries.
In the 'Database Properties' panel, we'll pick 'MySQL' and provide the details as used earlier.
In the 'Application Server' panel, we'll leave the user to be created as demo/demo.

I noticed here that sometimes the [Deploy] button wasn't active but the [save] was. I pressed [Save] and the [Back] and came back and then the [Deploy] was active, not sure if it was just my machine but the key bit is that we then press [Deploy].
The bottom of the screen shows the ANT scripts getting executed in the background.

What this has NOT done is deploy the actual Worklight server-side application and adapters.  We'll do this next.

Click here to move onto step 4.
