Installing Worklight Server CE and deploying the SWAMI app - Page 2
1) Download and install Worklight Liberty Profile
Open a web browser and navigate to:
As it says, execute the java command (*I've assumed that you have java installed, you do have java installed don't you? I mean, "everyone" has it installed someplace?)
I was lazy and downloaded to my 'Downloads' folder and it created a 'wlp' folder underneath the 'Downloads' (you'll see this in future screenshots). It doesn't require any special permissions so it should be fine leaving it here. For purity, I should really have installed it into a 'C:\IBM\WLP' folder (that is assuming that this is being installed on a Windows machine and not a Mac - I will repeat this for a Mac in the near future)
Open a command line prompt, navigate to the Worklight Liberty Profile location. Navigate into the /bin folder and execute the following command:
>server create simpleServer
This will create a server, you can check by looking in the /usr/server folder and you'll see the new folders created and the server.xml file that contains all the config settings for this server instance.
It is advised to do this now as the Worklight Server install will request the location of this install and will want to select a server to install into (as we have only created one, it will be pre-populated in the drop-down list that you'll see in Step 3)
Click here to move onto step 2.
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