Ubuntu - but not as you might have immediately thought....

So....I've been a fan of Ubuntu linux pretty much since day one, way back in the day - good god, was it really 17 years ago?... how time has flown (we'll come back to that below).

Well, this isn't an article about that "type" of ubuntu. It's about a different one.

As you may or may not know, I've been a bit of a "behind the scenes investigator" of the "origins of the human race" pretty much since I was a teenager, then work got in the way, then travelling around the world for work allowed me to have nice big chunks of time to continue that investigation work, then work changed again, as is expected in the protestant work life dictatorship, I had to "move up" and that just means "do more" and well, y'know the liquid based addictions crept in as a mechanism to deal with the frustrations of doing the work b*ll*x and that just ended up frying the brain/body and was not helpful in continuing the investigation work - then a few years lapsed and I got to a position in the work environment where I made the decision to just stop.  I was content with the work I was doing, the level I was committing to and I really wasn't doing it for the money anymore, I had actually risen above that (oh, the arrogance of that statement).  Then I got side tracked by internal bullsh!t at work (yes, I do still work for IBM, but it's not the IBM that it was, for starters the "I" now really doesn't mean "International" anymore - but that's a lawsuit waiting to happen for a different post) and got distracted by being forced to work on internal certifications that have now dragged on for years and consumed a lot of personal time - all for a certificate to hang on the wall and for other people to "acknowledge" and "recognise" that I know what the f**k I am doing. 

Well, I was struck down with Covid-19 a few weeks back and it hit me pretty hard - it went for a few internal organs that have been defective since birth and a few that I've been abusing for the past 15years or so - that forced me to clean up my act and start to look after my body (it's reached the age that I should probably start to look after it -  a bit like my 1950s cars!) - I've now swapped one bottle for a very different one - yFood.  What has this meant? well, apart from having a nice little rest thanks to Covid-19, I've also been able to fuel my body & brain with what it has probably been missing.  The danger of me not regularly shutting my brain down with (addictive) liquid based substances is that it tends to "go off on one" (as my missus would delicately put it).

However, whilst having a nice relaxing Sunday morning I decided to put this youtube video on in the background - whilst I was actually going to build a FLUTTER to-do app to be used with the new motorhome.  I didn't get around to making the app :-)  I will get back to it.

What was the video?  Well, it was the one shown below - it was amusing to me as a lot of the content was an snapshot of the "investigation" work that I've been doing over the years (picking up and putting back down again) and it was the first time I'd seen SOMEONE ELSE put this together in a semi-coherent fashion - yes, I 100% agree that he wanders off at times and sounds like a conspiracy-orientated madman (that's what they want you to think - lol) but there IS a coherent message about opening you eyes, looking at the oddities in the world that are right in front of your, looking at the world with a fresh perspective, unshackling your mind from the society based controlling brain-washing that you've forced into your brain and created a whole set of "rules" that you will adhere to, even though they make no sense when you really analyse them.

I encourage you to FIND 3 hours - yes, 3 hours - think about the last time you actually found 3 hours to spare? (apart from that netflix binge watch you did during the week)

Watch this video.  All the way through. Stick with it.  Especially until the end.  This guy sums up a lot of the findings that I have accumulated over the years - there is also a lot missing that I have extra - but he's arrived at pretty much the same conclusion.


(okay, maybe the moon being a projection can be taken with a pinch of salt, but y'know, you have to accept a tiny bit of craziness)


Now, I'm still of the firm belief that our universe is just a pond, like the one I have out in the garden and we are (as Carl Sagan states) just an insignificant race of people on an insignificant planet in an insignificant solar-system in that pond of life.

However, I am also of the mindset that "money is evil", it makes no sense to me, it never has done & when you start to unravel the mystery of it's origins (no, it was never an evolution of "bartering") you start to realise that it is a means of control in order to 

I'm still a firm believer that the world we live in is just a Playstation / Unity / Unreal Engine world, the more we dig into how the world / universe works, the more we're starting to find this out - we see the way the reality is made up as an NPC would within the games engine, we start to see the constructs and the history of the developers thinking as that has evolved over time; we also start to see how it really works & it makes no sense.  As a species, we have patted ourselves on the back about how smart we are, but we are dumb f**ks.  Someone makes a statement, who is in an alleged position of power / authority & it becomes fact - 10years from that point it could then be disproven, but that is usually overlooked.  We, as a species wrote down the rules of physics based on our limited understanding, we also did this for history - as we grown and learn more, we need to accept that we need to re-write the books of science and the books of history - shock!horror! I very much doubt that people nowadays would even care if there was an announcement that "we have discovered the origin of the human species - and it turns out we are aliens to this planet and we have also found bases on the moon that prove this".... they'll listen to it for a day and then get back to wondering who is winning on "Love Island".  The world society & people are very different to the one's from the 1950/60/70s when they used to do studies of impacts of exposing information tot he masses - there would no longer be mass panic and riots if it was declared that "aliens have just landed on planet Earth".

It is also a very sobering thought that we are a "species with amnesia" - we have no memory of our existence going back more than a few thousand years.  That is phenomenally shocking, the planet is (estimated) 4.3billion years old - yes, billion... and we only think we know some stuff that has happened in the past few thousand years and totally ignore the rest.  The new generation Zers are going to grow even dumber and eventually we shall dumb our species down to the point of non-existence (again) - maybe that is what is needed to be able to reset & start again? who knows.

Now, back to the point about time.... who put into place the concept of "money"?  It dates back to the Sumerians and the KINGS.  Those Kings live(d) for a very long time.  Who is to say, they are not still knocking about and running things behind the scenes?  Not as crazy a thought as you would first think...

In the video above, there is a nice idea about the "one small town" - I love this idea.  However, it has one flaw.  It still involves having "human beings" in the equation. Selfish, self-obsessed, narcissistic, ego-centric, power driven humans.  There will still be the people who, whilst offered with a 3-hour working week, will still not perform this task, there will be people who insist that "3 minutes of my time is worth 3 hours of everyone else's time as I am such a genius".... so the flaw in the equation will still be the current strain of human beings.  Now, if you moved this concept to "Planet Mars" and made it so that your very survival was dependent upon the 3 hours, then that might have a different outcome - but some form of corporations or religion will get their claws into it and made a dependency as a currency.

I dream of the day where as a species we can live "work free", just imagine what we could create; what we could achieve and where we could go - space travel could become a very real reality, someone would still need to be geeky enough to write all the software to make it all work (so there is some hope for fellow future geeks out there) - but to get there we need to WAKE UP.
