Ubuntu - but not as you might have immediately thought....
So....I've been a fan of Ubuntu linux pretty much since day one, way back in the day - good god, was it really 17 years ago? ... how time has flown ( we'll come back to that below ). Well, this isn't an article about that "type" of ubuntu. It's about a different one. As you may or may not know, I've been a bit of a "behind the scenes investigator" of the "origins of the human race" pretty much since I was a teenager, then work got in the way, then travelling around the world for work allowed me to have nice big chunks of time to continue that investigation work, then work changed again, as is expected in the protestant work life dictatorship, I had to "move up" and that just means "do more" and well, y'know the liquid based addictions crept in as a mechanism to deal with the frustrations of doing the work b*ll*x and that just ended up frying the brain/body and was not helpful in continuing the investigation work ...