Flight Radar

You know what happens... you're attempting to do something useful / complex and the brain wanders off and you find yourself looking out the window....and then you spot a light aircraft or a "chem-trail" (snigger) up in the sky and you wonder to yourself, "I wonder what that actually is...?" ... no? just me?

Well, as with everything today, there's a web-site for that.

This is now my new background image for one of my old 21" monitors...it moves, it's kind of interesting and it is definitely geeky.

Yes....I am procrastinating, attempting to get my Atari ST connected to my home network.

Oh, is that the drone of another airplane engine I hear?  Oh, quick, best take a look!

(if you zoom out a little bit - you get to see just how much "junk" is up in the sky!)
