PICO C-code - (part 1) ....and maybe a bit of VGA
Right, I've done enough of the MicroPython stuff now.... let's get back into my comfort zone.... let's go back to the 1990s and write some C code 🤓 Okay, C code isn't specific to the 1990s, but it is when I was first introduced to it....(actually it may have been 1989, but who's nit-picking) and I've been using it on the Arduino for a few decades now. So it makes sense to now remove the training wheels with the PICO and get back to the lower-level. As I'm wanting to do stuff with the VGA screen output, it makes sense to go down a layer (I'm keeping above the ASM waterline for now!) The image above actually comes from THIS webpage, however, I didn't follow those instructions, I did however learn something new...scrolling down the article, the nice chap let's us know that GPIO Pin 30 is a RUN pin and if you flip it then it does a hard-reset - this saves you having to unplug the USB cable and plug it back in every time you want to reset - that...