RPi senseHAT impact recorder for your car
Saw this article this morning and I have to tip my hat (did you see what I did there?!) to the creator/inventor, this is an ingenious idea to use a Raspberry Pi and Sense Hat in a cool way. https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/raspberry-pi-sense-hat-impact-recorder-for-your-car/ Let the accelerometer and gyroscope of your Raspberry Pi Sense HAT measure and record impact sustained in a car collision. Instructables article available here In fact the instructable article goes into a lot more depth, even shares some python code. good stuff. I'm interested in this article for many reasons...one is I have a senseHAT sitting on a bench at home doing nothing, two, I have an RPi3 sitting on a bench at home doing nothing, three, I have four vehicles that I can use this device within.... okay, I'm not thinking of 'impact recording', but more about gathering telemetry data and associate it with a particular vehicle/driver and store that data so an ...