
Showing posts from January, 2018

NAO robot and IBM Watson services

You know I like Robots. You know I like IBM Watson API services. Checkout how to get those 2 working together - there's a full description of everything needed in the github repo CHECKOUT THE GITHUB REPO (now) (watch the YoutTube replay of the Live cast HERE ) I'm going to take this as a baseline and instead of using the NAO, I'm going to use my T1ll13 robot-head. oh, btw - I've made some really good 3D printing success and building - roll on the weekend when I can get those web-cam eyes hooked up and working too!  

Using machine learning to spur human creativity is so 2018

You may recall my Digital Music Tangent post a little while back?....  It may have sounded a little odd and off-the-wall, but it's funny how things sometimes connect up in the universe. Welcome to the IBM Watson bEAT.   You can use this open-source software to create rich compositions from simple input melodies.  That's right, if you can hum it (and record it), you can get Watson to then take these elements and combine to make some non-man made music. Check it out and run it on your own laptop and get creative: Using machine learning to spur human creativity is so 2018! Watson has used a combination of reinforcement learning and neural networks to create the Watson Beat. The first album "Space" is actually very melodic and has replaced my usual "meditation music" that I usually listen to when I start the working day. ( Full album on YouTube here ) Full length original article is HERE ...

3D Printing is making some 2018 progress

T1ll13 is starting to manifest into reality...... (btw - those are nose supports that I need to hack off with my dremel!) Now, just on a mission to print out all the internal parts to make up the mechanisms for the movements to happen..... ..and yes, it's all in PLA as that is what works for me and this printer.  ABS is just a waste of time and effort at the moment, it rarely sticks to the bed (been through the rounds of increasing bed temp) and when it does, after a few cm's it starts to I decided rather than messing around, I'll just do it initially all in PLA and then come back and print again in ABS - probably once I've got myself a glass bed in place (or a different 3D printer!) I think we might be 3D printing for a few more weeks there are 10-13 parts needed for the skull and then..and then....and then.... you get the idea :-)