Virtual Reality for 2016

Apparently, I'm getting an Oculus Rift (again! ....long story...)

Although the docs state that you need a PC to do the development work, I've just found that the Mac OSX SDK and Runtime are still available.. (huh!hum! whilst you can) I'm sure the official SDK will come back in a short while.

After checking out the Mobile SDK, I noticed that there is a Samsung GearVR headset that runs from your Samsung S6 phone, now that's more like it: Android coding!

and here are the instructions to setup your Mac for the Mobile SDK.

It might be time to purchase a Gear VR from Amazon, get my hands on an S6 (I thought I had an S5, turns out it's an S6!!! Woo!hoo!), okay, I have the right equipment.  Time to setup the Mac and see how far I can go with development before having to purchase the actual Gear VR... I'll naturally do a write-up article when I do start this space.

Then it'll be time to test out some apps from the AppStore.  Or, WearVR store, it covers the Rift too.

All I need to do now is to work out, if, my idea from when I had my first developer Rift is still valid and doesn't require me to write a ton of C++ code (I prefer the Android Java code).

Roll on 2016 and Virtual Reality.

Running any app as without GearVR Headset (mine is still "in the post"):

    1.) Install any Gear VR app with your device signature (app can downloaded, compiled, or backed up from an official install)
    2.) Go to your device Settings -> Application manager -> Gear VR Service (usually in the "Downloaded" section but could also be in the "All" section).
    3.) Tap on "Manage storage"
    4.) Tap the "VR Service Version" number six times.
    5.) Wait for scan process to complete and you should now see the Developer Mode toggle on this screen.
    6.) You should now be able to launch your app without the headset and also dock the headset at any time without having Home launch.
