Amstrad CPC PIO
Amstrad CPC PIO what? Well, as posted previously: I have rekindled the old Amstrad CPC 464 (and 6128) memories from when I was a lot younger - and the CPC 464 was "the machine" that got me "into computers" way back in 1984/1985-ish. Having recently acquired a few and fixed up a few, I met a great electronics genius who helped to diagnose and fix one of the original CPC 464 mother boards, so it could live on again. I learnt a lot and it rekindled my previous interest in the electronics side of things. Long story short, Rob, was also making standalone Z80 computer motherboards and basically making his own computers - which inspired me to obtain and put on the shelf ready for a rainy day or two to solder and make: https://tonyisag...