Solar powered pond - part 3
For once it seems that the planets are aligning - things are slowly but surely actually working out! I went through the setup of the solar panels with the connectors that I had and as I eluded to previously ( and the eagle eyed may have noticed ) whilst it was all setup and working things felt about 95% correct and the final 5% was niggling me.... I had setup the solar panels - all 3 of them, yes, I know odd number, I'll be ordering another one, just to make it more fun ( and I'll set them up as 2 pairs in parallel that are then connected in series - maybe? ), the new panel connectors for + and - seem to be okay, but when connecting the original 2 panels up it got a bit confusing - I originally set them all up in series as shown HERE, but I had to connect the final connectors to the wrong coloured cables that went to the MPPT - basically the solar panel positive was now connecting to the MPPT negative cable and likewise for the positive - so easy fix, just take the cables out o...