
Showing posts from September, 2022

Solar powered pond - part 3

For once it seems that the planets are aligning - things are slowly but surely actually working out! I went through the setup of the solar panels with the connectors that I had and as I eluded to previously ( and the eagle eyed may have noticed ) whilst it was all setup and working things felt about 95% correct and the final 5% was niggling me.... I had setup the solar panels - all 3 of them, yes, I know odd number, I'll be ordering another one, just to make it more fun ( and I'll set them up as 2 pairs in parallel that are then connected in series - maybe? ), the new panel connectors for + and - seem to be okay, but when connecting the original 2 panels up it got a bit confusing - I originally set them all up in series as shown HERE, but I had to connect the final connectors to the wrong coloured cables that went to the MPPT - basically the solar panel positive was now connecting to the MPPT negative cable and likewise for the positive - so easy fix, just take the cables out o...

Solar powered pond - part 2

As you may recall, I dipped my toe into the world of solar panels and batteries in relation to taking my pond off-grid.  CLICK HERE for PART 1 . Well, how things have moved on since then!  I have learnt a lot, I have spent a lot, but as with all things, if you get it right first time, it's a fluke and you've probably not learnt anything - that's what I keep telling myself anyway. BTW - legal disclaimer, all this information I post on here is not the advice of a professional who does this as a job - this is information posted by me, as a hobbyist, an experimenter, a learner - so, if you follow any of the information here, you do so at your own risk - basically, if you are stoopid and end up burning your house down, don't come moaning to me that I mis-typed something or I mentioned something that you later relied on and that then burnt down your house.  Accept some personal responsibility.  Be an adult. right, now we've got that out of the way, let's proceed with ...