Common Sense A.I. might be coming sooner than you think
So, here's a photo of a bunch of books that just happen to be sitting on my work desk, looking all majestic and intellectual. This is the sort of thing that a lot of people over the past few weeks have started to strategically place behind themselves for those all important conference calls, where other people will be looking and trying to eye up, "so what books do you have behind you?....oh, maybe I should read some of those and then I'll be as smart as you". That could be why these books are not behind me, they are infront and to the side, I can see them but you cannot. What is behind me? hang on, let me turn around and look......a MASSIVE 3D printer with a Playstation 2 Time Crisis gun on the bed (absolutely no idea, maybe I found it in a cupboard and it was making it's way off the "games room", but I got distracted), some photo's of my MG F over the years taken by professional photographers as I was entering "event/shows" and a...