
Showing posts from February, 2020

Using Sherlock to gather info about a person

Image ah, my fave, Kali Linux.... (usage from 3:18) but if you cannot be patient and watch a video. go visit: git clone blah blah blah make sure you've got python3 installed (yeah, I know I grouch about python, but sometimes, like this case, it's useful) OR if even doing that is too much.... go visit: and do it live in a web-browser. Now...stick some ML around that and a decent application and think of the possibilities of how this could be (mis)used  ;-) happy hacking.

On the fly WiFi pen testing anyone?

Buy a device from here (or you could make your own from parts, it's all open source) Pretty useful usage of an ESP32 IoT device = Arduino..... they forgot the whole "watch" part, but the next time you're in a 'chosen establishment' (does anyone visit real banks anymore?) you could have a little probe around to see what insecure wifi is hanging around.... or even just annoy your "friends" on the train... "fun for all the family" :-D

A week off work....sort of.....Project 'O'

So, I've had Project 'O' on the back burner now for well over a year, I even started making headway around August 2019 ( for a week, during a vacation )....and well, yep, the usual happened.  I let myself get drawn into doing way too much stuff in the work/work environment and I have to sacrifice all my own inventions or innovations for the sake of the day job.  ( One day, I'll maybe get that changed, but I'm not holding out much hope, but we'll see ) Well, it's another vacation week, where I'm not actually vacationing ( again ), I'm going through a list of things that I wanted to do in 'my time'.  That means: 1) I've purchased a new 3D printer, I've built said 3D printer. I've had 4 failed attempts at printing with the ABS that I purchased 2-3 years ago (? cannot recall when was, but they've been sitting all sealed up in a box along with about 50 servo's that I was going to use for my robot )...spent a few lon...

Apocalypse now....

This is pretty awesome idea for a Raspberry Pi: I can picture using it and leaving it in the greenhouse to monitor all my plants this summer. Case can be bought here: Keyboard from here: and all the extra bits, I can now print on my wonderful new 3D printer!

New 3D printer

Okay, so I got very excited a few years back and bought myself a 3D printer , loads of PLA and ABS reels and I even mostly build a 3D human head , fitted with servo's and web cams, hooked it up to an RPi and had it as an assistant of sorts....but I really wanted to print it in a more flexible material. Then I got very frustrated with all the messing around trying to 'level the bed', so much so that after re-trying simple prints over and over and over again, I just moved the 3D printer to the other side of the room to gather dust. I thought, I'll wait for an automated self-levelling version to come out and be at the right price and I'll get one of those. Well, guess what?! Yep...that just happened! I just ordered myself one of these little'll arrive tomorrow: Good thing is, I have a week off (week after next), so I think there will be much 3D printing going on that week!  I've got lots of things that need to be printed.

Wanna learn to build a First person shooter in Unity?

At some point or other, we've all thought about it..... "This game is so buggy, I could have done better", "I wonder if I could write this game?", "If only I had time to sit down and make a game, I'd make it like this, only better", "Wow, do you remember Doom, I bet that was millions of lines of Assembler - there's no way I could make something like that nowadays". Well, you may just be in luck.  Here a link to a FREE DOWNLOAD (yes, free, as in beer) to a book that takes you through how to build a First person shooter using Unity . Those that know, know that I've been a fan of Unity for the past, well, for a long time! I've built 3D digital human assistants, I've build mobile applications using it, I've even written the odd game using it.... but I've never really had the time (or patience, to be fair) to sit down and make a first person shooter. Well, as I say, click HERE to either download the free...