Making an Android Mobile device app that uses the IBM Watson Conversation service (as a chat-bot)
A few posts back I mentioned: Oh, I've also been making a Java Android Mobile application that uses Speech to Text, then calls the APIs of the IBM Watson Conversation Service translates that Text back to Speech and enables you to have a full blown conversation in voice instead of having to type and read messages ( also does it in 3 different languages at the moment ) - I'll create an article specifically to show you how to do this quickly and easily using the Watson SDK. Then, "if" my arm gets twisted enough, I might look at porting it to run on iOS ( but as I still don't have a iOS device, it might be tricky!) Well, here it is.... CLICK HERE TO READ THE WALKTHROUGH ARTICLE CLICK HERE TO READ THE WALKTHROUGH ARTICLE CLICK HERE TO READ THE WALKTHROUGH ARTICLE Naturally, I'll be extending and growing this example of using Watson APIs beyond just the Conversation Service. I think I might interface with the Watson Visual Recognition serv...