
Showing posts from December, 2016

Game Programming patterns

After working my way through a course on C++ and The Unreal Engine , I noticed some really interesting overlaps between the work I've been recently doing on robots and the work I'm going to be working on next year ( Cognitive computing ). Anyway, just thought I'd link to this great book, that is also available for free to read online (downloadable pdf available, as well as a real physical book). You can use Watson to help out too......

IBM & BMW and IoT

I don't know what you were doing a couple of months ago?.... but I know what I was doing with one of those BMW i8s :-) This was my "office desk" There are times I love my job..... "The Internet of Things is transforming our relationship with the physical world. In Munich Germany, IBM is creating a new global center for collaborative innovation side-by-side with clients and partners. IBM will invest $200 million US to make Watson IoT HQ one of the most advanced facilities in the world. BMW is one of the first collocated partners and together, we will start a new pilot program to explore the role of IBM Watson in the BMW i8 hybrid car. BMW engineers & IBM experts will work together in "collaboratories" to explore Watson technologies for personalization of the driving experience. With conversational interfaces & machine learning, cars will get to know their drivers better."

Android of Things

Interesting, Google have announced their new Android of Things : CLICK HERE to access the PREVIEW certainly something to keep an eye on. If you have a Raspberry Pi 3, you can download an image and get going pretty quick.  I'll give it a look over the next few weeks.

A case of the Vapors

This one? or this one? "Create modern web apps, sites, and APIs using HTTP or real-time apps using WebSockets. Nearly 100x faster than popular web frameworks using Ruby and PHP. Swift is fast by every meaning of the word. The latest cryptographic ciphers, digests, and LibreSSL's new TLS (SSL) make security easy. With middleware and Swift extensions, you can add custom functionality to Vapor that feels native. The static type system allows you to write less and do more. Vapor apps are very concise and even more powerful. With autocomplete, debugging, and breakpoints you'll spend more time creating and less time fixing. " I like the definition of "fun"......not quite how I would describe it, but, hey-ho, I'll let you decide :-)

Some light reading....

some "light" reading for the next month or so....... should keep me busy and out of trouble....or it could get me "into" trouble  :-D