
Showing posts from April, 2016

Raspberry Pi3 MusicBox player

A Raspberry old radio/speaker box... time to make a "portable" music player, that not only plays local music, but streams from Spotify etc..etc... and is controlled from a web-app that you control from your web-browser (running on any device you fancy) CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW TO SET THIS UP

IBM API Connect (was StrongLoop)

If you've heard about StrongLoop or IBM API Connect or the new API economy and fancy having a go yourself, follow my guide to getting started. CLICK HERE FOR AN INTRO & WALK-THROUGH

Bristol VRWC Expo 2016

So, this happened today: Bristol Virtual Reality World Conference (VRWC) Expo. I attended (it would have been rude not to....) and took some photo's and had a wander around / chat. >CLICK HERE FOR MORE<